Every year we get around 20 frogs that hang out in one of our 2 small ponds. These guys serenade us every night starting in March. They lay 1000's of eggs in the ponds and we take them out before coming out of the goo they are encased in so the mosquito fish don't eat them. Teeny baby tadpoles resemble mosquito larvae in appearance and movement so they aren't very safe in the pond. The kids love watching them grow their arms and legs and let them go back into the pond when their tails begin to dissappear. They are itty bitty things when their tails completely dissappear- only about 1/4 inch in length. They grow to be about 1.5 inches long as adults.
This frog seemed comfortable sitting in my 7 year old's grimy little boy hands :)
YAY!! You did it! I am going to love coming to your blog! :)
I love this pic girl!
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